Thursday, December 3, 2009

7. Counting words

I wrote 1.971 words today!!!

Hurray for new-beginnings!

From now on I shall NOT break this habit!! - Not that I impose that same number everyday; to be honest I was happy with just 250 of good creative writing. Than that number was quickly reached and I thought 'Okay, 500'. Than 1000, than 1200, and so on... until I just stopped looking at the numbers and went with the flow. Apparently 1900 is my limit because my head started to hurt.... autch!

I had to leave my heroine alone in a room with a skinny old man asking a very difficult question in a cold ironic voice. Poor girl. I'll be back tomorrow to see how she's holding on.

Vanessa Condez, Note to self: Humanize.
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2 comments: on "7. Counting words"

Melonie said...

Just writing and not thinking about how much is getting done and how much more you have to do...that's the way to do it! Way to go, may inspiration strike (for at least a few moments) every day!

Note to self: humanize said...

Hi Melonie!

Yep, I think you're right, that's the best way to go. I'm seeing is how it works with me too.